Toddler Town

13 Moms Share The Most Surprising Expenses From Their Babies’ First Year

13 Moms Share The Most Surprising Expenses From Their Babies’ First Year

By The Stir Bloggers
Source: Http://Thestir.Cafemom.Com

No reasonable person goes into parenthood thinking it’s going to be financially rewarding, but even when You Plan For Your Bank Account to take a hit, there are dozens of ways the cost of having a baby can catch you off guard. Here are 13 moms on the expenses — both large and small — that surprised them during their babies’ first year.

1. “Extra car seats for various people that would be driving the baby! Grandma, sitter, etc.” –Carla, mom of three in San Diego, CA

2. “Cable TV, because I was stuck at home nursing so much. As a first-time mom I was too overwhelmed to take my baby anywhere alone until she was six months old, so that meant a lot of couch time. (Luckily, I got over that with my second kid.)” –Lisa, mom of two in Alameda, CA

3. “We spent a lot on sleep things. Special blankets, sleep suits, sound machines, etc.”–Becca, mom of one in Nashville, TN

4. “Supplies in support of breastfeeding, and especially pumping. Storage bottles/bags, spare pump parts, the pump itself, regular bottles/nipples. People talk about how breastfeeding is so cheap! But no.” –Angela, mom of one in Seattle, WA

5. “I didn’t count on all the money I spent going places just to get out of the house. Coffee shops, museums, the mall, mommy-and-me classes, etc. But hey, it was cheaper than the therapy I’d need if I’d just stayed home.” –Rebecca, mom of two in Hayward, CA

6. “Formula. I didn’t realize how much it cost for a can, and how quickly we would go through it.” –Miranda, mom of two in Vancouver, BC

7. “Life Insurance. I had a policy through my employer, and even increased the coverage when my older son was born, but when I switched jobs I needed to buy my own policy. Hadn’t planned on it, but of course the peace of mind is priceless.” –Amanda, mom of two in Princeton, NJ

8. “Takeout/prepared food, as I was way too tired/overwhelmed to cook.” –Jacquie, mom of two in Darien, CT

9. “Things bought in desperation to help with teething. Sooooo many late-night online purchases. So much money.” –Ashley, mom of three in Springfield, MA

10. “The cost of me not working was a surprise expense, only because I thought I’d be ready to go back to work when my maternity leave was up. And then I wasn’t.” –Carrie, mom of two in Boise, ID

11. “Photographers! I had no idea. Both for newborn photo shoots and family photos, but even the hospital photos seemed really high for what you got. But of course you want them!” –Celeste, mom of one in Columbus, OH

12. “BOTTLES. Nothing would please my baby, and I had to go back to work. Bought so many kinds of bottles and paraphernalia. So stressful.” –Caitie, mom of one in Iowa City, IA

13. “We had to Buy A New Car because although we could fit our twins, we didn’t have room for an extra person, which we needed because my mom moved in with us for a month to help with the babies.” –Amy J., mom of two in Salt Lake City, UT

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